Encourage Your Customers to Shop with Shopping Cards

Shopping & Loyalty Cards Made by ABACICARD

Encourage Your Customers to Shop with Shopping Cards Made By ABACICARD!

Today, consumption habits have changed completely with the introduction of the internet and new generation products into the market. Nowadays, many institutions are trying to increase their prestige in the eyes of consumers rather than only trying to develop the habits of shopping of their customers.

Within this framework, many kinds of cards such as new generation shopping, promotion and gift cards have been offered by many brands. The only need why different brands use these cards is not the functional role of them. All these cards also ensure close communication between the brand and the customer. Moreover, such cards enable the brand's corporate identity to be enhanced in the eyes of the customer. For this reason, brands often prefer to offer such cards to their customers. ABACICARD produces high-quality magnetic cards to help many brands and companies fulfill this valuable goal.


Detailed Information About ABACICARD

ABACICARD continues to work actively with many famous store chains such as Migros, Gratis, Watsons, IKEA and many others. ABACICARD handles shopping and loyalty card production of these institutions for years.

Card production means the production of technological tools that we use in almost every aspect of daily activities today. They are used not only for shopping, but also for security. ABACICARD is aware of that how important the manufacturing process of the magnetic cards. ABACICARD uses RFID Card technology, which is a highly advanced technology for the magnetic card manufacturing process. Thanks to this technology, the security and authenticity of the cards are ensured in the easiest way. Of course, it is very important that the cards offered by your organization to customers are both useful, secure and long-lasting. Magnetic cards created by ABACICARD are produced by considering importance of these vital features.